Between 2019-2022, with input from the settlement and anti-violence sectors, and through funding from Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), this project will build the capacity of settlement and anti-violence sectors to co-develop a shared base of knowledge and to better support newcomers and refugees through a coordinated, comprehensive approach. Working collaboratively across Canada is a strategic way to make change happen. By building on current expertise, knowledge and resources in the anti-violence and settlement sectors, this coordinated effort recognizes the reality that newcomers and refugees continue to experience structural barriers to accessing support. Working together in partnership between the four organizations and engaging their members increases our ability to deliver GBV prevention and intervention and better serve individuals and families experiencing violence.
The project partners completed an initial needs assessment, which had three components: an environmental scan, an on-line survey with settlement and anti-violence organizations and key informant interviews with leaders in the field. Research highlights were distributed in March 2020.

The Manitoba Association of Newcomer Serving Organizations (MANSO) is a non-profit organization that acts as an umbrella organization for settlement service providers in Manitoba. It was formed through an amalgamation of two organizations, the Manitoba Immigrant and Refugee Settlement Sector Association (MIRSSA, est. 2007) and the Manitoba English as an Additional Language Organizations (MEALO, est. 2012)
MANSO acts as a voice for the Manitoba settlement and integration sector, as well as supporting our members through communication, networking and professional development activities
Webpage: https://mansomanitoba.ca/
Ending Violence Association of Canada (EVA CAN) is a national non-profit organization whose main purpose is to educate and respond to gender based violence at the national level.
For many years those responding to sexual assault, intimate partner violence and child abuse have often been predominantly working in separate sectors. These programs are often in positions of having to compete for a slice of the social policy agenda, for funding and for awareness of the issues.
Gender-based violence (GBV) is a complex issue that requires an integrated analysis and a national conversation to include all of the sectors needed to respond or foster prevention.
Webpage: https://endingviolencecanada.org/
OCASI was formed in 1978 to act as a collective voice for immigrant serving agencies and to coordinate responses to shared needs and concerns.
The Mission of OCASI is to achieve equality, access and full participation for immigrants and refugees in every aspect of Canadian life.
OCASI is a registered charity governed by a volunteer board of directors. Its membership is comprised of more than 200 community-based organizations in the province of Ontario.
Webpage: https://ocasi.org/about-us
YMCA Serving as centers of community across Canada, responding to the needs of newcomers is a key part of the YMCA's purpose. For generations, Canada's YMCA's have been welcoming newcomers and supporting them in building their new lives with a strong framework of programs and a history of partnerships with like-minded agencies and all levels of government.
YMCA Immigrant Services provides a variety of programs for individuals, children, youth, and families. With a focus on successful settlement for the whole family, we are working together to build healthy inclusive communities.
Webpage: https://www.ymcahfx.ca/gbvp/