Here are our webinar presentations:
"Gender-Based Violence Awareness During COVID-19 for Service Providers working with Newcomers, Immigrants & Refugees."
Webinar 1 | GBV Awareness in COVID 19 Part 1 | 2020 May 22
This Webinar is about
COVID-19 Impacts
Definitions & examples of Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGVB)
Risks & Barriers impacting newcomers, immigrants and refugees
Intersectional, anti-oppressive, trauma-informed, culturally safe approaches
Strategies for safety
Resources & additional training
Webinar 2 | GBV Awareness in COVID 19 Part 2 | 2020 May 29
This Webinar is about
Quick review of key concepts discussed during Webinar 1
Introducing risk assessment
What it is and why it is important both during and after COVID-19 -
Key considerations for doing risk assessment with newcomers, immigrants and/or refugees
Introducing safety planning -
What it is and why it is important both during and after COVID-19
Key considerations for doing safety planning with newcomers, immigrants and/or refugees -
Additional resources and training
Webinar 3 | Effective Allyship | 2020 Oct 07
This Webinar is about
Explain what allyship is and why it is important when responding to GBV.
Identify key considerations when practicing allyship with newcomer,immigrant and refugee communities
using an anti-oppressive and culturally safe approach.
Apply practical strategies for being an effective ally, including allyship during COVID-19.
Know how to find additional training and
resources for front-line workers on this issue.
Webinar 4 | Allyship with 2SLGBTQIA | 2020 Nov 04
This Webinar is about
Explain the importance of using gender and sexual-inclusive language and approaches when supporting newcomers, immigrants and refugees.
Identify forms of sexual and gender-based violence that are disproportionately experienced by 2SLGBTQIA+ people.
Apply practical strategies for supporting newcomer survivors of GBV who identify as 2SLGBTQIA+.
Know where to find additional training and resources on allyship with 2SLGBTQIA+ communities.
Webinar 5 | Engaging Men and Boys | 2020 Dec 02
This Webinar is about
Explain the importance of engaging men and boys who are newcomers, immigrants, and refugees in GBV awareness and prevention work, in ways that are anti-racist, antioppressive, trauma-informed, and practiced with cultural humility.
Understand the different ways that settlement and anti-violence workers can engage newcomer, immigrant, and refugee men and boys in GBV awareness and prevention efforts.
Apply practical strategies for working with newcomer, immigrant, and refugee men and boys on GBV awareness, information and referral, intervention, and prevention services (as applicable).
Know where to find additional training and resources on engaging men and boys.