The Gender-Based Violence Settlement Strategy Project is a collaborative partnership between the anti-violence and settlement sectors to address GBV for newcomers, immigrants and refugees.
Project Background
In April 2019, with funding from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), four organizations from the anti-violence and settlement sectors partnered to begin collaborative work on developing a national strategy to address GBV for newcomers, immigrants and refugees.
Between 2019-2022, the partners conducted an environmental scan of GBV supports across the settlement and anti-violence sectors in Canada, hosted a series of webinars, released the GBV Settlement Sector Strategy, and launched the online course, Bridges to Safety. Throughout these project activities, we have had the opportunity to engage and consult with experts, leaders, and frontline staff from settlement and anti-violence organizations across Canada. We hope these materials will be useful resources for organizations on the topics of GBV awareness, strategic priorities, and collaborative responses.
We are excited to be advancing into the next phase of the project in 2022-2026 and to continue building the capacity of both sectors to better support newcomers, immigrants and refugees through a coordinated, comprehensive approach. Working collaboratively across Canada is a strategic way to make change happen.
Building the capacity of the settlement and anti-violence sectors to respond to GBV for newcomers, immigrants, and refugees.
Cultural Safety and Humility
Gender-Based Analysis
Trauma and Violence Informed Approaches
Better recognition, response & prevention of GBV for newcomers, immigrants and refugees across Canada.