Newcomers in Canada
These are the selected resources found in the Environmental Scan that may be useful to service providers, refugee sponsors and other community members.

Refugee Research Sharing Hub - Research Projects on Syrian Newcomers
Knowledge Synthesis - Immigrant Women and Settlement - Summary
Calgary LIP 2013 - Literature Review for Settlement and Integration
CBC 2019 - Small cities give Syrian refugees better start, big ones offer better future
CCBR 2019 - Annotated Bibliography evaluating refugee programs
MHC 2016 - Supporting mental health of refugees - backgrounder
OLIP 2016 - History-and-Legacy-of-Refugee-Resettlement-In-Ottawa_A-Primer
Oliphant 2018 - Government Response to Yazidi Refugees report
Refugee Settlement Training Program 2016 - Settlement Workers Guide to PSR
Stats Can 2019 - Immigration&EthnoculturalData - Presentation slides
Syrian pilot helps Nova Scotia newcomers find jobs _ Local _ News _ The Chronicle Herald
Vancouver Status of Women 2008 - Race Relations Timeline Canada
Wilkinson 2014 - Newcomer Experiences Western Canada - interim report
Zellama et al 2018 - Francophone settlement Winnipeg - Research report